Saturday, March 29, 2008

Team practice; getting ready for U-Fli

Our flyball team will be making its debut at the U-Fli tournament in April. Woo hoo! It will be a pickup team consisting of Sammy, Lucy, and two guest dogs from other teams. One of those guests joined our practice today, running into Lucy. Passes were kept wide but Lucy was just fine with it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Supplementary team practice at K9 Sense

Gearing up for the tournament debut of some of our flyball team's up and comers, our team is having a few extra practices at a different location to help the dogs learn to generalize flyball (which they have done like total pros). With a few tournaments coming up in the near future Lucy could use a change of flyball scenery too so I brought her tonight and she raced head to head with Tucker and Zara. All the dogs did great :-)