Saturday, July 29, 2006

Saturday July 29th 2006 - home practice

(Backfilled in October 2009 due to impending closure of Geocities)

Lucy missed today's team practice due to having eaten something she shouldn't have yesterday. She was feeling better later on so we did some runs at home with one jump 15 feet back. Here are some photos from today's practice:

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Saturday July 22nd 2006 - team practice (outside)

(Backfilled in October 2009 due to impending closure of Geocities)

For full runs, someone held her behind the third jump and I stood between the box and the next jump, then ran with her back over the three jumps. It was the first time that she was sent to do a run by someone other than me and she was quite cooperative. Passing with Sammy went fine.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday July 18th 2006 - home practice update

(Backfilled in October 2009 due to impending closure of Geocities)

Over the last few days I've been practicing Lucy on my home-made box, getting her to do the turn without the aid of the eavestrough. I worked on this a bit the last time I had the team box at home, but this week I really focused on it. At first she was a bit confused, but within minutes she had the hang of it. She now does the proper turn every time, and I no longer have to warm her up by putting the eavestrough in front of the box and then moving it away. I'm not sure when the right time will be to work on getting her to do this at team practice WITH the ball, but at least I know she can do it no problem in the absence of a ball.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday July 15th 2006 - team practice (outside)

(Backfilled in October 2009 due to impending closure of Geocities)

Today we did a bit of distraction training with the boxwork. Our teammates were standing off to the side of the box rather than in the runback area. So when I sent her to the box (no ball), she took the three jumps (fourth jump at the box for a tighter turn) but then looked around and came back without hitting the box. After a few tries she did it better though. She was a bit faster today with the recalls, probably because it was cloudy and cooler and she was showing off for Walter who joined us for this practice. She even did some nice tugging on the recalls! But once she remembered about treats, her desire to tug pretty much disappeared. On a side note, it's really exciting to see the other dogs coming along. For example, the two height dogs are really really close to being able to go over the jumps with their handlers running alongside, hit the box, and run back over the jumps, and I imagine the ball will be introduced to them soon. All the dogs are just doing great and having fun too!

Saturday, July 8, 2006

Saturday July 8th 2006 - team practice (outside)

(Backfilled in October 2009 due to impending closure of Geocities)

Considering Lucy's last outside flyball practice which went less than great, my goal for the practice was for Lucy to do full runs (minus the last jump which we put at the box to help tighten her turn) with the ball, like she did several weeks ago. After a few goofups with Lucy hoping to get a taste of the treat bag that was sitting behind the box, she was soon doing it! Goal achieved. Recalls, honouring running dog, and passing were no problem.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Sunday July 2nd 2006 - team practice (inside BF)

(Backfilled in October 2009 due to impending closure of Geocities)

Lucy was back on track at today's indoor practice (the ground was wet outside). Left Walter at home today so that Lucy could have my full attention. For box work, warmed up with 1 jump back, then added ball and quickly added in all 4 jumps with ball. Recall from box: No problems there. Two-lane passing with Tashtego: Did well with that too. It was a great practice and she didn't deek around any jumps at all.